About Us
Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association (RIVAA)
Established May 2001
Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association (RIVAA) has a membership of over 35 artists dedicated to establishing an art center in a unique island location on the East River in New York, bridging Manhattan and LIC.​
In May 2001, the Roosevelt Island Artists Association organized the “Art Frenzy” exhibition in association with PS1, Queens Council for the Arts, LIC Business Corp, Socrates Park and the Noguchi Museum. The success of this group art exhibition inspired the founding of RIVAA in June of 2001. The Board of Directors included Arline Jacoby as President, Esther Cohen and Tadeusz Sudol as Vice Presidents, Harry Small as Treasurer, and Philip Groner as Legal Council. RIVAA Gallery opened in the center of Main Street in the Rivercross complex, with space and a grant provided by Roosevelt Island Operating Cooperation (RIOC). The support of the community along with the hard work and dedication of the founding members and of the ethnically diverse group of artist members brought the gallery to fruition. The grand opening took place in March 2002, with a members’ group exhibition, “Vernissage1”.
Exhibition space is also provided to RIVAA artists by the Octagon Gallery located in the Octagon Building in Lighthouse Park on Roosevelt Island. Group and solo exhibitions run continuously at both RIVAA Gallery and the Octagon Gallery throughout the year, featuring work of RIVAA members and international guest artists - painters, sculptors, photographers, computer artists, graphic designers, ceramists and installation artists.​
​Membership to RIVAA is open through a juried process to local artists willing to share their time and talent to continue the trend of excellence and professional quality as an established community art gallery and cultural center for the arts. RIVAA is dedicated to promote Roosevelt Island as the “Island of Art” link between Manhattan and Long Island City.
RIVAA supports the community in its efforts to enhance cultural development and collaborates in educational events to promote public involvement through the arts. Members volunteer art activities; including portrait sessions at “Roosevelt Island Day” and outdoor art for “Fall for the Arts” annual festivals. Musical performances, theatre, dance, book signings and poetry readings by talented professionals and various community gatherings are hosted on a continual basis by RIVAA Gallery.
“Fall for the Arts” annual festival -RIOC
“Fast Trash: Roosevelt Island’s Pneumatic Tubes and the Future of Cities" -RIOC
“Art from the Heart” -Coler and Goldwater Specialty Hospital and Nursing
“Connecting Islands and Generations: The Queensboro Bridge at 100” and “Past and Present” -Roosevelt Island Historical Society
“Real People, Realizing Potential” -QCP, UCP, and Cerebral Palsy Association of New York State
“Coming to Light – the Louis I. Kahn Monument to Franklin D. Roosevelt” -The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture -The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
“Southpoint – from Ruin to Renovation” -The Roosevelt Island Universal Art Center competition with Emerging New York Architects (ENYA) and The American Institute of Architects (AIA)
“Island Schools of Art” -Roosevelt Island Schools
“Art Frenzy” -BEACON PROGRAM, In association with (ART-LOOP) PS 1, Queens Council for the Arts, Long Island City Business Corporation, Socrates Park and Noguchi Museum
“Emerging Sculptors”, NYC Sculpture Center” (a 6-year revolving Exhibition at Motorgate Park – the bridge house of Roosevelt Island)
The Team
RIVAA Board of Directors

Catherine Kim

Jim Pignetti
Vice President

Ioan Popoiu
Vice President

Laura Hussey

Saundra Lamb

Snigdha Kumar

Amazia Thompson

Chris Vail

Sophia Vitko
Join Us
Become a member of RIVAA Family
RIVAA Full Member
Open to visual artists working in any medium, at least 18 years old, preferably living or having lived on Roosevelt Island.
The applicant presents an artist portfolio to the membership jury.
Members have exhibition opportunities with artist commissions for works sold, voting rights, and eligibility for board positions.
There are annual dues and participation requirements.
Email application form to info@rivaagallery.org.
RIVAA Secondary Member
Demonstrates potential to qualify as a Full Member after a period of mentorship, critique and workshop with Full Members, as well as upon reaching 18 years old.
The application process mirrors the one for Full Members.
There are reduced membership dues.
Exhibit in group exhibitions on a limited basis.
Commission on sales determined by the Board of Directors.
Not eligible for solo exhibitions or voting.
RIVAA Volunteer
​Open to artists & non-artists!
Seeking reliable and courteous individuals
Responsibilities include sitting during opening hours and assisting with gallery operations.
Administrative, IT, finance, project management experience a plus
Benefits: Contribute to the local arts community; gain hands-on experience in gallery operations; and engage with artists and visitors
RIVAA Guest Artist
Open to individual or group artists (non-members)
Exhibitions range from days to months or more
Commission on sales + fees for administrative work
Artists welcome from Roosevelt Island, NYC, US, and worldwide
RIVAA Special Event
RIVAA hosts special events like book & poetry readings; Music & dance performances; Community events (art auctions, affordable art fairs, etc.); Talks on various topics
Free & open to public
Sponsored by residents, non-residents, & RIVAA
RIVAA Guest Performers
Guest performances can be a part of exhibitions or standalone events
Examples of past performances: Isadora Duncan dance; LGBTQ Pride dance; Black History Month vocals; Jazz by Susheel Kurien & guests; Early music concert series by Yiheng Yang
Events free & open to public. Donations are welcome.
Visit Us
RIVAA Gallery is located at
527 Main St, New York, NY 10044
(212) 308-6630
Via public transportation take the F train to the Roosevelt Island stop, and walk north on Main Street. We are a 7-minute walk, next door to Good Shepherd Plaza.
Alternately, you can take the tram from 2nd Avenue between 59th and 60th Streets or the NYC Ferry on the Astoria Line to the Roosevelt Island stop, and walk north on Main Street.
Gallery Hours:
Sunday: 11 AM - 5 PM
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 6 PM - 9 PM
Thursday: 11 AM - 5 PM
Friday: 6 PM - 9 PM
Saturday: 11 AM - 5 PM