Valeriu Boborelu
My belief is that the Idea, Concepts of Deities, and Human Beings are inspired and connected to manifestations and experiences fromreal life. These Deities usually manifest on subtle levels and represent the interdependence between physical and non-material worlds, all pervading sentient energies, and unlimited Compassion and Wisdom. They are essences of the vital, psychological,mental propensities of Human Beings and are the focus of much of my work.
In my cycle of paintings, “Archetypes,” “Mandala of Transformation” and “Deities Geometric Field,” I strive to express human shape in an extremely geometric aspect, reminiscent of ancestral, anthropomorphic silhouettes (like Romanian figure-shaped ceramic jugs). Luminous and transparent, these elongated figures are integrated in oblique structures, verticals, spirals – overlapping or intersecting each other to suggest spatiality and movement. In other paintings like “Figures in Space” and “New Age Beings,” I use the same specific geometric representation of the human form.

The figures are immersed in Space, the Contour-Lines are repeated concentrically, and suggest multiples, and Subtle Bodies. The figures are white-pearl colored and translucent, a variety of nuances of gray-golden-white, yellow-green, ochre, which emerge from the background. In the works “Three Beings” or “Mandala of Love,” the silhouettes are floating in deep space: white lines, curves, spirals are moving throughout the depth of field. In these paintings, I use large gestural brush-strokes. I like to work with very thick colored matter-texture alternated with transparent surfaces. To the artist, to the lover of art, and in the long-run of history, Art is the happiness and joy of life. It is also the aesthetic communication of human society. Artists have a natural interest, duty and love for their community. It is part of their purpose to promote social, moral-spiritual values like: compassion, justice, sharing and honesty.